We returned to Beijing, after spending 2 1/2 days in Hong Kong. However, I must first back up to Wednesday, after the Great Wall. Once we returned home from the Wall, Samantha was surprised with tickets to see the Chinese Acrobats. All 5 of us went to Hard Rock (which has become our new birthday celebration place), and then the Theater to watch the show. It was so incredible! It had several "acts" in the show, and many were similar to Cirque del Soleil (I'm sure I misspelled that). Before the show began, we were sitting in our seats, which were in row 7 - oddly enough no one sat around us - the row in front and behind us were empty (thinking we needed our cootie shot last week). I know 8 is a very lucky number here, so I assume that row was empty bacause the price of the tickets were more expensive - but that is just a theory. Anyway, these ladies waved Shelby over to them and wanted to take pictures with her - of course this made Shelby's day. When she came to sit back down, Matt (how only he can do) shook his head from side to side and waved his arms and said, "I am Lindsay Lohan!" Now, if you've never seen Jeff Dunham, you won't think this is nearly as funny as we did. Look him up on You Tube... lol
So we left bright and early the next morning for Hong Kong - we arrived there around lunchtime, checked into the hotel and began our quest for "normal" food (which has become such a relative term for us)... We found an Outback and thought we were in heaven! We each got "normal" food for lunch. Afterwards, we did a little shopping. Being tired (and cranky), we decided to turn in early and get a fresh start Friday. We began Friday's shopping about 9:00 am and finished at about 7:30 pm... After dinner, Matt and Samantha went on a quest to find a pair of running shoes, and returned to the suite about 3 hours later. During the day, we made 3 treks back to the hotel to unload our loot and use a nice clean toilet. Until you've traveled abroad, you won't truly understand the love of a clean "sitty" potty. In Beijing, they use "squatty" potties. Anywhere we go and need to use the toilet - we ask the "sacrificial lamb" if it's a "sitty or squatty." If you're lost, Google it - I'm sure it's there.
I can honestly say, I don't think I have ever shopped for an entire day - and I am positive Matt hasn't. Given our cell phones didn't work in HK, we stayed together all day. Can you imagine what Matt looked like with 4 ladies following him? He was in one store looking at brief cases (of course all 4 of us were with him), and the lady asked him if he had 2 wives - the look on Matt's face was priceless! He quickly said, "Uh, no... I can't even keep up with the one I have." I laughed - I suppose, given China has a 1 child rule, she thought he had 2 wives and 1 child each... Anyway, it was funny.
My feet were more than sore, but it was worth it to have a great time with Matt and the girls in a new favorite shopping place. We also had to buy another suit case to bring our "loot" home. We originally took a carry-on each, but with the extra bag, decided to check all the luggage in, for the return flight.
I recommend everyone visit Hong Kong at least once in their lifetime. It was so much fun, and we didn't even get to go to Disneyland or the Oceanic Park.
Be blessed.
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