Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We're Here!!

Well, after checking 13 bags, only 1 was rummaged through. We made it through security without a hitch and sat for a couple of hours at our gate, waiting for the largest plane I've ever seen.

The girls befriended the cutest little boy, who was about 6. He drew them a picture and they had great fun with photo booth. It helped pass the morning time. The flight was good and the food was surprisingly very good. Samantha slept about 13 of the 14 hours we were on the plane. Sydni stayed awake until about 4am (CAL time), and Shelby slept a good portion of the flight.

When we landed it was 28* and still dark - it was dark all 14 hours of our flight. After piling all our luggage (18 suitcases and our backpacks) on the little carts, we made our way to the people picking us up.

I was met with what is quite possibly the largest bouquit of yellow roses I've ever seen. One of the men Matt is working with brought them - have to be 3 dozen. I will post a picture soon. (I haven't made it to my camera yet) We ate breakfast (very Western) and came back to start unpacking. All the girls claimed their rooms and began putting things away.

We have had people in our house all day, from meeting, to the landlord. None of us has gone to bed since our sleep on the plane. I am hoping this will put us on Beijing time quickly. Samantha and I went and took a tour of the Club House - WOW! It is amazing. Can't wait to utilize it!

Well, that's about it for today. We are going to get cleaned up and go eat and shop for necessary items.

Oh, I almost forgot. It snowed last week 3 days, and there is still snow on the ground. Also, the rivers are frozen and the ducks are walking on them. Looks funny. I am thankful for the heat inside the house, that is for sure!

Be Blessed!

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