So, here's the promised story of the skunk in California....
The Ferrante & Teixeira boys wanted to go swimming at their Nana's, and I volunteered to chaperon... I opened the cover on the pool, and the boys swam for an hour or so. When they decided they were done, I had them get out and went to close the pool. While I was holding the button down that closes the pool cover, I started smelling a skunk. I told the boys to get their stuff and head in the house. It quickly got worse - the spell was so strong it burned my nose. I ran in the house as soon as the cover was closed. I was in the process of telling everyone in the house there had to be a skunk outside, when the girls started yelling "there it is!" The skunk was climbing out of the pool, out from under the pool cover. It's tail was stuck on the cover, and it was steadily spraying the side of the pool. It must have been hung on the cover, and drown when I was closing the cover. Once it broke it's tail loose from the cover, it began staggering to some shrubbery. By now, all 8 grandkids, plus my 3 girls were outside. Papa sent Shelby to get a 410, and Ryan shot the skunk dead. He and Shelby preceded to get a feed sack and scooped it up and hauled it off.
It was an exciting afternoon, to say the least...